North Norfolk Photographic Society coped pretty well during “the lockdown” by holding meetings via Zoom. Which worked well enough – but it was so nice to be back with a ‘normal’ meeting.
So, around 30 members met in the village hall at Cley for their first competition of the season – with a set subject ‘Creative’. Some say that all photography is (or ought to be) creative, but the test for a competition is that it should have something a little (or a lot) extra. So more than one image might be combined into one, the background (or the foreground) might be altered, the colours may be changed – there should be something input by the author to make it a bit different.
Linda Woodward who has a home in Wells-Next-The-Sea came to judge the pictures, which were “PDI’s” - that is to say Projected Digital Images, shown on the screen. Linda had nearly 60 to judge – and she gave helpful comments on every one. 5 were awarded ‘Gold’ distinction – but another 21 were singled out to be declared Silver, Bronze or commended.
The five winners were (in no particular order) ‘Kingfisher – Not for Kingfishers’: an amusing image by Paul Richards of a bottle of Kingfisher beer with a kingfisher sitting on top! and ‘Birds Eye View’ by Paul Keates - a distorted maritime scene with an owl flying into the shot. ‘Mystical Trees’ by Valerie Walker showed two shapes, a bit like trees, which the judge said she thought were shapes made in the sand on a beach as the water receded; ‘Impressions of a Downland Landscape’ by Liz Akers, a lovely soft picture; and ‘Wonder of Blakeney Marshes’, a striking picture of beach, sea and sky.
These images, and more, may all be viewed under 'Results'.
Linda Woodward had not visited North Norfolk Photographic Society before, but hopefully we shall see more of her in the future.
North Norfolk Photographic Society holds meetings on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at 7.00 for 7.30 pm in Cley Village Hall, The Fairstead, Cley-next-the-Sea, Norfolk NR25 7RJ and are always pleased to welcome visitors and prospective new members; do come along to a Club Evening and introduce yourself .