North Norfolk Photographic Society (NNPS)
1. The Club shall be called “North Norfolk Photographic Society”, (hereafter referred to as “the Club”).
2. The Aims and Objectives of the Club shall be to encourage and promote an interest in photography and enable all members to both appreciate and learn about all aspects of photography.
3. A Member is a person who has paid a subscription for the current season, and therefore has full voting rights. There are two types of membership:
Full members who are entitled to enter their work in the Club’s competitions
Social members residing at the same address as full members but who are not entitled to enter the Club’s photographic competitions.
Both categories are entitled to vote at all meetings of the Club.
4. The Committee may cancel the membership of a member whom they deem to be unsuitable on a vote of not less than two thirds of the full Committee. A member will have the right to appeal after which the Committee’s decision will be final.
5. Members may resign at any time by notice to the Secretary in writing.
6. The Committee of the Club shall consist of paid up members of the Club. A quorum shall be five members, of whom two must be Officers.
7. The Officers of the Club shall be the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Competition Secretary and Treasurer.
8.The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting, to be held as stated in the programme.
9. Any member of the Club shall be eligible to be nominated for the committee. Nominations must be submitted to the Secretary 14 days prior to the AGM.
10. If more than one person is nominated for a position on the Committee they will be chosen by secret ballot by the paid up full members.
11. Committee members shall serve for a period of one year only but are eligible for re-election at the end of each year.
12. The Committee has the power to co-opt a member to fill any vacancy on the committee during the year, or as required, but they shall report such action to the next ordinary Club meeting.
13. The Committee will have the power to acquire equipment necessary for the achievement of the aims and objectives of the Club and to sell or otherwise dispose of equipment which is no longer required. The Committee also has the power to co-operate with other clubs or bodies in pursuit of the aims and objectives.
14. The Treasurer will keep proper accounts, which shall be independently examined for presentation to the members at the AGM. The independent examiner shall be proposed at the AGM for the coming year.
15. The various subscriptions for the different types of membership will be formulated by the Committee and presented to the members present at the AGM. All subscriptions fall due in September each year and are payable in advance.
16. The Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held during March or April each year. Agenda items for inclusion are to be notified to the Secretary 21 days before the meeting.
17. A Special General Meeting may be convened by a request signed by at least five ordinary members stating the reason and should be sent to the Secretary at least 14 days before the proposed date of the meeting.
18. In the event of an AGM or EGM, 30% of the fully paid up members, plus a quorum of the Committee must be in attendance.
19. The decision to disband the Club must be voted on by the members at the AGM or at an Extraordinary meeting. Should the Club disband for any reason, all remaining assets of the Club, after all debts have been paid, shall either:-
be donated to another club or charity with similar aims and objectives,
or distributed equally amongst all current and fully paid members.
The Committee will decide which of these two options shall be applied.
20. Alteration to this constitution can only be made at a Special or Annual General Meeting.